Fraise en bout PCD ISO et personnalisée avec livraison rapide:
La fraise en bout PCD est largement utilisée dans de nombreuses industries, telles que l'énergie et l'énergie éolienne, l'aérospatiale, l'automobile, les moules et matrices, la technologie maritime et radar, la technologie spatiale, etc. Il s'agit généralement de couper des métaux non ferreux et des matériaux non métalliques, y compris le plastique renforcé de fibres de carbone (CFRP), le plastique renforcé de fibres de verre (GFRP), le cuivre, le laiton ou le composite carbone-carbone graphite.
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Properties of MCD
Excellent thermal conductivity and good wear resistance & repeatability of chemical, physical and thermal characteristics.
What's the advantage of MCD tools?
High hardness and wear resistance
• High efficiency and low cost
• High surface finish can be obtained on your workpiece
•Topped octahedron shapes, rhombic-dodecahedron shape or simply plate like crystals.
Mono-crystal diamond tools are often used for machining high - precision parts with mirror finish. The mono-crystal diamond tools can achieve excellent cutting edge by grinding .The surface finish can reach 0.025 micron or higher.
ToolingBox can offer 100 orientation ( 4 point diamond ) with dimensions available are all sizes up to 8mm x 8 mm x 1.60-1.70 mm.We can produce all kinds of MCD tools according to the customers' requirements.
Formes de broyeur à nez sphérique PCD :
La fraise à bout sphérique ToolingBox PCD (fraise à visser PCD Radius) montre ses performances exceptionnelles dans les opérations de fraisage 3D, en particulier dans la fabrication de moules. Avec la vitesse de coupe élevée et l'efficacité d'enlèvement, la fraise PCD Raius améliore considérablement la capacité des clients.
Diamètres : 6, 8, 10, 12 et personnalisé
Type de formulaire : Nez sphérique, rayon d'angle et chanfrein d'angle.
Qualité PCD : Pour chaque application, la qualité PCD la plus optimale
Alimentation en liquide de refroidissement : peut personnaliser
Longueur de portée : Selon votre exigence

2.MCD diamond Engraving tools:
•High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for engraving machining for non-ferrous metals, gold and silver jewelry and acrylic industry.
•Can process difficult-to-process workpieces.
•Precision machining, high wear resistance, long service life.
•Can be renewed many times, Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
Other sizes can be customized;

3.MCD Endmills for mirror milling

•High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for end milling and side milling for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, PVC and Acrylic.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
All sizes can be customized
4.MCD Chamfering tools

High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for chamfering machining for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, PVC and Acrylic.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
Normal shank diameter is D6mm, other sizes can be customized
5.MCD Outer Arc Milling Cutter

High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for outer arc milling for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, PVC and Acrylic.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
All sizes can be customized
6.MCD External Arc Milling Cutter

High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for external arc milling for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, PVC and Acrylic.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
Normal shank diameter is D6mm, other sizes can be customized
7.MCD Internal Arc Milling Cutter

•High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for MCD Internal Arc Milling Cutter for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, PVC and Acrylic.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
All sizes can be customized
8.MCD Plane Marking tools

•High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for Plane Marking Line application for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, PVC and Acrylic.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
Normal shank diameter is D6mm, other sizes can be customized
9.MCD Rolling Cutter

High grade MCD materials for rolling machining for Cast Aluminum, Aluminum-Silicon Alloy, Aluminum, Acrylic and glasses polishing
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
All sizes can be customized
10.MCD Trimming cutter

High grade MCD materials and sharped edges for trimming Acrylic, PVC and wood.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
All sizes can be customized

11.MCD Turning Inserts

High grade MCD materials and sharped and tipped edges for mirror turning Al/Cu metal, Watch industry,Acrylic, PVC and 3C industry.
Can process difficult-to-process workpieces
High wear resistance, long service life.
Excellent price/performance ratio, great value for money
All ISO sizes can be produced and customized