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ToolingBox carbide scarfing inserts

Que sont les outils de coupe PCD et diamant ?

Le matériau PCD est appelé diamant polycristallin, est une sorte de nouveau matériau super dur qui est étudié et recherché dans les années 1970. Il peut être fritté à haute température de 1400℃ et haute pression de 6GPa.

Le grain de diamant qui a été fusionné dans des conditions de haute pression et de haute température en présence d'un métal catalytique. L'extrême dureté, la résistance à l'usure et la conductivité thermique du diamant en font un matériau idéal pour la fabrication d'outils de coupe.

Le diamant polycristallin n'est pas seulement une sorte de nouveau matériau d'ingénierie, mais aussi une sorte de nouveau matériau fonctionnel. Ce n'est pas seulement un produit de haute technologie mais aussi un produit à haute valeur ajoutée. Avec le développement de l'industrie moderne, de la science et de la technologie, le diamant polycristallin a été largement utilisé dans l'industrie moderne, la défense nationale et les domaines de haute technologie en raison de ses excellentes propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, chimiques, acoustiques, optiques et électriques.


Why ToolingBox ?

ToolingBox is the leading manufacturer of carbide scarfing inserts in China for tube and pipe industries. We manufactured the inserts with premium quality raw materials, and use imported peripheral grinding to ensure the accuracy of the cutting edge, available in different radius and models. CVD coating is used to increase its bending resistance and wear resistance. The offered tools are used to take off OD and ID weld beads to give a perfectly smooth surface finish to tubes and pipes.


We stock a full line of “63” series 4-sided OD scarfing tools, 6-sided OD scarfing tools, and various common sizes in “86” series 4-sided OD scarfing tools and 3 sided tube chamfering tools for your tube scarfing application. Also we accept the customization of non-standard products according to drawings and samples, which provides perfect service for tube and pipe industriesindustry and tool solutions.

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The Advantages Of Our Carbide Scarfing Inserts

As China leading manufacturer of premium cemented scarfing inserts, we ToolingBox supply a wide range of CNC indexable scarfing inserts for steel tube industry, with various specifications and classical grades to select.


100% virgin raw material

Material expertise for demanding challenges from lab research to batch production.

Optimal chipbreaker design

specifically designed to provide a precise and clean cut when scarfing the tubes.

 High product consistency

Multi-axial press capabilities,all mould made in-house and HIP sintered.

 Supreme cutting performance

Improves tool life to reduces cutting cost and cycle time saving.

Video for ToolingBox Carbide Scarfing Inserts:
ToolingBox Carbide Scarfing Inserts #cnc #cuttingtools #Tube mill scarfing

ToolingBox Carbide Scarfing Inserts #cnc #cuttingtools #Tube mill scarfing

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Main ISO Size of ToolingBox Scarfing Inserts:
A. OD-SPUB-63 series:
size of SPUB-63.png
  • Other sizes can be customized and produced

B. OD-HDMB-20 series:
  • Other sizes can be customized and produced

C. ID-RNGX series:

Standard product line for internal de-burring rings, used in case of pipes up to 5mm thickness. Our line includes inserts with 42° cutting angle, used for the most common applications, as well as rings with 48° cutting angle (on request), which are normally used in case of aluminized tubes. They can be mounted on all types of RI-ME chucks, both mechanical and hydraulic.

  •  Other sizes can be customized and produced

Packing of carbide scarfing insert SPUB63C

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